Cyber Essentials & Cyber Essentials Plus

At CSA, we are a Cyber Essentials IASME Certification Body and can complete and certify against both levels of certification. We offer 3 packages to enable our customers to achieve both levels of certification, as efficiently and effectively as possible.
Package 1: Cyber Essentials and Cyber Essentials Plus Ready
Our “Cyber Essentials Ready” package is aimed at companies who are starting out on their Cyber Essentials journey and require support, advice and guidance on achieving the first level of certification. Our team of qualified assessors will take you through all the steps required to achieve certification, that includes all the support required to complete the Cyber Essentials questionnaire. The CSA team will advise on the evidence that is required and then check that all required documentation is in place to gain the initial certification.
Our “Cyber Essentials Plus Ready” package is designed for companies who have Cyber Essentials and want to embark on Cyber Essentials Plus for the first time. Our consultancy service will take you through all the required steps needed to get ready to achieve certification and involves installing agents on endpoints/servers, performing interactive tests and a technical scan/audit of your IT services. Both of our Cyber Essentials and Cyber Essentials Plus Ready packages offer the optional add-on of the certification itself. Our certification only service is designed for those companies who have completed all the required pre-requisites, documentation, technical preparation and questionnaires to achieve certification. Our Certification team will guide you through the process and assess against the standard.
Package 2: Cyber Essentials and Cyber Essentials + Certification
Our certification only service is designed for those companies who have completed all the required pre-requisites, documentation, technical preparation and questionnaires to achieve certification. Our Certification team will guide you through the process and assess against the standard.
Cyber Essentials Certification. For the initial certification, you fill in the questionnaire. We will review your answers and arrange a call to discuss any required changes. You will submit your online questionnaire and we will formally validate answers - if successful, you’ll get your certificate.
Cyber Essentials Plus Certification. To prove the controls are in place, Cyber Essentials Plus is a more advanced certificate that picks up on the technical controls outlined in the initial Cyber Essentials certification. This certification is only awarded if your organisation passes an in-depth audit conducted by one of our qualified assessors against the 7 technical areas. Your qualified assessor will be assigned to explain the process and what is required to ensure the technical audit is completed as efficiently as possible. This will include guiding you through the deployment of our audit software, to working through any areas of concern in order to complete the certification.
Package 3: Cyber Essentials and Cyber Essentials + Assisted Certification
Our assisted certification service is designed for those companies who require support on completing all the pre-requisites, documentation and technical preparation to achieve both certifications. You will receive a one-to-one session with a qualified assessor. During the Cyber Essentials session, we will go over your self-assessment questionnaire and help you to map your organisation’s infrastructure and processes. We will deliver unlimited practice scans and consultations with our assessors to help you through and achieve the Cyber Essentials Plus certification.
The assessor will provide bespoke consultancy to advise of any areas that need to be improved against the Cyber Essentials & Cyber Essentials Plus standard, before any testing and certification is undertaken. Certification to both standards is also included in this package.
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